Children’s Hospital Association of Texas honors Hinojosa

3 weeks ago 35

EDINBURG, Texas – The nonprofit group representing children’s hospitals in Texas has honored state Sen Juan Hinojosa with a “Children’s Health Care Hero Award.”

Stacy E. Wilson, president of Children’s Hospital Association of Texas, said the veteran legislator was being honored for his work in the legislature advocating to improve healthcare for children. Wilson said Hinojosa was particularly deserving of the award for his fight to bring more medical providers to the Rio Grande Valley.

“We know that you can’t have a healthy kid without a healthy mom,” Wilson said. “Making sure those moms have access to preventative care, have access to mental health services, can get checkups, all of those things are so important, and Senator Hinojosa helped make it happen.”

Wilson gave her remarks from the podium during a speech at the official opening of Driscoll Children’s Hospital Rio Grande Valley. At the conclusion of her speech, Wilson presented a plaque to Hinojosa from the stage.

Editor’s Note: Here is a video recording of Wilson’s speech:

Hinojosa said he was humbled, honored and believed that the entire South Texas delegation and community deserved the award too.

“I thank all our healthcare providers who work in children’s hospital,” Hinojosa said. “They have the experience, the knowledge, tienen corazón— they have heart, to work with children.”

Editor’s Note: Here is a video recording of Hinojosa’s speech:

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