Cameron County commissioners approve tax abatements for LNGs

3 months ago 106

BROWNSVILLE, Texas – Cameron County Commissioners Court took care of two LNGs for the price of one on Tuesday.

But not before they heard from numerous people opposing two agenda items that called for giving tax abatements to NextDecade and Texas LNG – two companies investing some $22 billon altogether to build terminals for liquified natural gas for the export market from the Port of Brownsville.

And after the commissioners voted 4-to-1 to grant the tax breaks to one of the two companies, some in the crowd inside the chamber room rushed toward the podium and began yelling all sorts of things.

“Shame! Shame! Shame!” said a woman.

“Shame on yourselves!” yelled another.

“We will see you at the polls next time,” commented a third one.

For a moment, it appeared that mayhem was about to take over but a security guard intervened to disperse the crowd.

Seconds later, they formed a circle outside and began chanting and shouting in discontent over what they witnessed.

That took place even after many of them voiced their opposition to the tax breaks during the public hearing part of Tuesday’s June 4 commissioners’ court weekly meeting.

Some of them were even crying with disgust, saying they were not surprised by the meeting’s outcome.

“This was a done deal,” Rogelio Nuñez, the director of Proyecto Libertad in Harlingen, said. “It was a David against Goliath case.”

Before the commissioners voted for the tax abatement, County Commissioner David Garza of Precinct 3 made the one and only speech, saying he has heard the pros and cons about the issue but made a motion to approve it even though it could be something he will live with for the rest of his life

Bekah Hinojosa, with South Texas Justice Network, said the commissioners have ignored their constituents.

“We all feel hurt,” she said after the vote. “They are robbing our tax dollars to pay for the high wages some of these people will earn.”

Others, such as Juan Macias, chairman of the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe, spoke about corporations gobbling the indigenous people’s sacred lands just as the Europeans did some 500 years ago.

Numerous others spoke against the tax abatement, citing exploitation, destruction of the regional fauna and flora, environment degradation and so on.

On the other side of the aisle, a different group of supporters spoke about the benefits liquefied natural gas export terminals will bring to one of the poorest areas of the country, including jobs, increased commerce, quality of life, and the deepening of the Brownsville ship channel from 42 feet to 52 feet as one of the companies – NextDecade – plans to invest from $400 million to $500 million.

The supporters came from area chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, business owners and workforce development agencies, among others.

David Munguia, who was with a group of people who sat on the pro-LNG side of the chamber, said the liquified gas companies are going to be good for the community.

“This is about jobs, job and more jobs,” he said. “These companies are going to help the area grow.”

Munguia was wearing a blue T-shirt with the letters “Vote Yes,” attached.

Asked if he works for LNG, he said, “No.”

Asked about the T-shirt, he replied that he showed up as a private citizen, but somebody was passing the shirts around.

As to the two LNGs for the price of one, it happened because the two companies were on the agenda and that created some confusion among some of the attendees.

The commissioners acted on an amendment of an existing 2017 tax abatement for NextDecade – the company investing more than $18 billion in its Rio Grande LNG project.

And they voted, four-to-one to grant a tax abatement to Texas LNG – a company investing some $4 billion in their own project. Cameron County Judge Eddie Treviño, Jr., was the lone vote against the abatement.

The abatement approved was 40 percent of the total asked over a period of 10 years.

“I can say this is a win,” Nunez said afterwards. “A small win for David (against Goliath).”

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