At COSTEP event, Mission EDC makes pitch to investors from India

3 months ago 98

MCALLEN, Texas – Belén Guerrero, Mission Economic Development Corporation’s chief operating officer, recently spoke to investors that are keen to bring manufacturing and high-tech companies from India to the Rio Grande Valley.

The event was hosted by the Council for South Texas Economic Progress and was held at the Casa De Palmas in McAllen.

Guerrero said there were great opportunities for Indian companies to expand into Mission.

“We focus on four major functions: corporate attraction, business retention and expansion, incentive navigation, and business development within our community,” Guerrero said.

She also spoke about a feature of Mission EDC’s work that sets the entity apart.

“I think one thing that sets the Mission EDC apart from other communities is that we are very keen and very bullish on growing our startups and our small businesses within our community. We really have a tailored and creative approach to be able to assist businesses from the time of inception to funding, to growing. and developing into larger corporations with pretty large investments and job production.”

Belén Guerrero, of Mission EDC, is pictured with COSTEP CEO Adam Gonzalez and three investors from India. (Photo credit: Mission EDC)

In her pitch to the investors from India, Guerrero also spoke about 55,000 square feet of incubator space available at the Center for Education and Economic Development

She said tenants housed within the CEED building are “really set up for success in a space that is about innovation with like-minded companies that are on the same track for growth.”

Naturally enough, Guerrero spoke about the additional infrastructure coming to Anzalduas International Bridge and the industrial development expected to happen in south Mission once the bridge can handle fully loaded trucks. She said this should happen early next year.

“And at the moment, commercial vehicles can pass a back and forth empty but as of the completion of the expansion and the inspection facilities, we’re expecting to see over 1,200 daily commercial crossings,” Guerrero said. “That is giving way to a lot of growth in the southern region of our town, which is along the Bryan and Shary roads corridor.”

Guerrero spoke about a new industrial park being built close to the Anzalduas bridge. 

“Shary Business “Park is part of a multi-use master planned development. It is 175 acres large… and will include residential, commercial, retail and industrial.”

Guerrero said Mission EDC recently broke ground on the Industrial Park at Anzalduas, next to Military Highway and South Bryan Road in south Mission.

“That will also be around the 145-acre mark and it’s bringing 6.3 million square feet of industrial space and an additional 2.2 million square feet of warehousing space,” Guerrero said. 

“So, we’re really keen on setting the stage for all of that trade development that’s going to happen with the expansion of that on the Anzalduas bridge.”

She continued: “Before we wrap up, I want to point out that we are ready and willing and apt to help any startup, any company that’s looking to take part in that development and take advantage of that bridge expansion and we’re happy to help navigate any incentives or pathways to success for anyone interested.”

Editor’s Note: Here is an audio recording of everything Belén Guerrero said to the investors from India:

The post At COSTEP event, Mission EDC makes pitch to investors from India appeared first on Rio Grande Guardian.

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